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Keeping kids with asthma healthy during flu season

Asthma is the most common medical condition among children who are hospitalized with the flu (CDC). Because people with asthma often have swollen, sensitive airways, they are more likely to develop serious health complications such as pneumonia if they do come down with the flu (Children’s: Outcomes in asthma care).

The best way to control asthma is to prevent flare-ups. Follow these tips to reduce triggers and keep your child healthy this winter:

  • If you haven’t already, be sure your child gets a flu shot.
  • Prevent the spread of cold and flu by teaching children to wash their hands frequently and properly.
  • Avoid people who are sick.
  • If winter weather is a one of your child’s triggers, pay attention to the forecast and remain indoors when it is particularly cold or dry.
  • Continue to take asthma medications and follow your child’s asthma action plan.
  • Get an updated asthma action plan (signed by you and your doctor/nurse practitioner) to give to your school’s health aide or nurse. This allows the nurse to give your child the medicine they need while at school.
  • Get a second rescue inhaler (albuterol) to use at school.

For more information on asthma care, please contact your child’s primary care provider.

This content provided in partnership with Kohl’s Cares.

Stefanie Kula