Each year, Children’s Minnesota accepts numerous Girl Scout donations following their annual cookie program. With the help of volunteers, welcome center staff package donated cookies into individual servings and offer them during the Family Resource Center afternoon “snack breaks” for patient families. Some troops also use money earned during their cookie sales to make a donation to Children’s, supporting kids and their families going through a hospital experience.
Thank you to the Girl Scout troops for their donations. Making a monetary donation to Children’s is the best way to make an impact for patients and families. You can donate here.
Check out a few of the troops that have made their donations to Children’s below:
Girl Scout Troop 57704
Girl Scout Brownie troop 57704 of the Eagan Service Unit donated $650 and 110 boxes of cookies to Children’s from the proceeds and donations from their cookie program sales.
When asked why they chose Children’s as a place to donate, one of the girl scouts said, “[We] decided to donate to Children’s because it can be hard for kids to get better and parents and siblings need to stay with them so, we wanted to help them! It made me feel good!”
Girl Scout Troop 18169
The Girl Scouts of Zachary Lane Elementary in Plymouth donated 52 boxes of cookies to the hospital. They had so many cookies, their moms had to help carry them all!
Patient families recognize and appreciate the generosity of the young donors and enjoy the cookies immensely!