Virtual group: July 25 Pregnancy and Infant Loss support group
Co-sponsored by Allina Health and Children’s Minnesota
Groups are held 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month • 5–6:30 p.m.
Grieving is painful for everyone, and the death of a baby creates a very special grief. Family and friends may be unable to give grieving parents the support they need. If your baby has died, there are people who understand these intense feelings of loss and emptiness: other parents who have lost a baby. The natural bond between bereaved parents enables them to support and encourage each other in a very unique way.
The Pregnancy and Infant Loss Support Group helps parents whose baby has died through ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage, stillbirth or newborn
death (shortly following birth or during an NICU stay). The group is made up of parents, and is led by staff members from both Allina Health and Children’s Minnesota.
This support group is not therapy, rather it is a group of parents who find comfort and courage in walking this difficult path together. Some groups
are lead by a facilitator and feature specific grief topics, while others are open-ended and focus on the current needs of the participants. Every group is a safe and confidential place to share feelings and coping strategies.
The group is free of charge. New participants welcomed.
To register or ask questions
Registration is required. Please contact Bereavement Services with questions or to register at
612-813-7216 or [email protected].