EMR Center

Updates to Social Work Screening and Health Care Directives

The Advanced Directives will now be titled Health Care Directives in the following Admission/Assessment forms:

  • Admission Assessment-Inpatient
  • Admission Assessment-Observation
  • Admission Assessment-Outpatient in a Bed
  • Admission Assessment-Neonatal
  • ED Rooming Assessment
  • Pre-Op Assessment Record

The screening questions have been updated to provide clarity regarding the status of the patient’s Health Care Directive and to meet regulatory requirements. The screening questions must be completed for patients 18 years of age and older and for all Minnetonka Surgery Center patients regardless of age.
Note: In the event that the patient has no capacity to make informed medical decisions (i.e. patient is sedated/intubated), is a mental health patient, or there are concerns regarding the patient’s decision-making capacity, a social work consult can be requested to complete the assessment.

If the patient does not have a Health Care Directive, print and provide the patient with the Completing the HealthCare Directives handout. A link to this form can be found in the Health Care Directives section.

If the patient turns 18 during their hospital stay, a message will be sent to social work for follow-up.

The new Health Care Directives sections are displayed below.

Social Work screening in the following Admission forms:

Admission Assessment-Inpatient, Admission Assessment-Observation, and Admission Assessment-Outpatient in a Bed, and Admission Assessment-Neonatal

Social Work screening in the ED Rooming Assessment

Health Care Directives section in the following forms:

Admission Assessment-Inpatient, Admission Assessment-Observation, and Admission Assessment-Outpatient in a Bed,
ED Rooming Assessment

Health Care Directives section in the Pre-Op Assessment Record

Effective January 10, 2023