What our students need this school year
How can we help our young people as they head back to school this fall? I asked two education kid experts to share their thoughts with us.
How can we help our young people as they head back to school this fall? I asked two education kid experts to share their thoughts with us.
The 29th annual Great Clips cut-a-thon will take place from Saturday, Aug. 27, 2022, through Friday, Sept. 2, 2022. Great Clips salons are donating a portion of proceeds from each haircut to support the school re-entry program at Children’s Minnesota. This program helps kids with cancer and other serious illnesses go back to school with confidence.
Here’s a helpful summary of the most important things you should know as you prepare your family to head back to school.
September 3, 2020, 8 a.m. – 9 a.m.
Sarah Jerstad, PhD, LP
The start of the school year is bringing on many mixed emotions for students, especially for transgender and gender diverse youth. Learn how you can support them as they go back to school, whether they go back virtually or in-person.
The COVID-19 outbreak has been a challenging time for the nation and the rest of the world. Fears surrounding COVID-19 have led to racist thoughts and attacks on Asian-Americans. Here are tips for parents to help Asian-American youth.
School will look much different this fall as Minnesota continues to make careful choices to limit the spread of COVID-19 in our communities.
Dr. Gigi Chawla, chief of general pediatrics at Children’s Minnesota, and her daughter Carly—who is about to start her freshman year at college—joined WCCO to give advice to families who may have a child going to college during COVID-19.
From crossing the road as a pedestrian to biking to school, remember to discuss these important safety issues before sending your child back to school.
These tips can help parents, school staff, school administrators and allies support transgender and gender-diverse students at their schools as they return to a new school year.