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Children’s Minnesota launches dedicated pediatric heart transplant program

Children’s Minnesota is proud to announce it has received certification from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) for its Heart Failure and Heart Transplant (HFHT) program. This dedicated pediatric heart transplant program at Children’s Minnesota is among the most comprehensive pediatric cardiology services in the region.

Heart Failure Therapy and Heart Transplant

Children’s Minnesota cares for more pediatric heart patients than any other program in the state. When it comes to treating heart failure in children, we offer the best heart failure therapies– from medications to devices to transplants – to give them a long, healthy life.

Grand Rounds: Update on pediatric heart transplant: Globally, nationally and at Children’s Minnesota

February 21, 2019, 8 a.m. – 9 a.m., Minneapolis

R. Erik Edens, MD