Meet the team
Our team consists of the following professionals who work together to provide you family-centered care:
- Pediatric pain physicians/Advance Practice Nurses: Our Kid Experts make sure your child has received the best evidence-based workup for your child’s symptoms and recommend further testing if they feel something is missing and provide medical interventions to help.
- Physical therapists: Pain and other distressing symptoms often lead to a decrease in activity. Our physical therapists have specialized training in pain and distressing symptoms to get your child back to the activities they enjoy.
- Medical psychologists: Our psychologists understand that pain and other distressing symptoms are frustrating. We teach kids and teens non-medicinal methods of symptom management to address the anxiety and depression that may accompany pain and distress.
- Clinical social workers: Parenting a child experiencing pain or other distressing symptoms can be challenging. Our clinical social workers empower parents and guardians with the tools they need to address their child’s symptoms so they are best equipped to help their children.
- Clinic coordinators: Our coordinators advocate and provide consistent support for kids and families going through our program every step of the way.