Children's Minnesota in the News

Children’s Minnesota reaches young and adult audiences across the country through vaping dangers coverage

Children’s Minnesota has garnered extensive national attention from young people and adults on the topic of vaping, and has become the thought leader on the subject. Recently, Children’s Minnesota noticed a cluster of cases of severe lung damage that doctors believe are linked to e-cigarette and vaping.

From August 12th-21st, Children’s Minnesota has been mentioned or quoted in more than 2,000 media stories with a total reach of more than 3 billion impressions.

Nearly all major media outlets across the country have featured Children’s Minnesota, including the New York Times, Washington Post, CNN, CBS News and NBC Nightly News. Dr. Emily Chapman, chief medical officer, and Dr. Anne Griffiths, pediatric pulmonologist, have conducted interviews across these channels, including a live studio interview with Dr. Chapman on CNN.

Read and watch some of our top stories:

This story has also been picked up by a wide variety of broadcast, print and radio stations across the country including People Magazine, USA Today, Fox News and AOL.

Dina Elrashidy