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Meet Doug, first patient at Children’s Minnesota to undergo pioneering heart surgery in 1985

Doug was born in 1985 with hypoplastic left heart syndrome (HLHS), a complex and rare birth defect. He became the first patient at Children's Minnesota to undergo an innovative surgery to rebuild the heart of an infant with HLHS.

Children’s Minnesota Surgery and Specialty Center in Minnetonka expanding

Children's Minnesota is opening a new specialty center in Maple Grove to provide additional quality care to the northwest suburbs of the Twin Cities metro area. Learn more about the differences between our clinics in Maple Grove.

Collaboration makes comprehensive care possible for patients with hypoplastic left heart syndrome, like Colton

Children’s Minnesota and Mayo Clinic collaborate in the care of children with congenital heart disease; enabling both health systems to share expertise and knowledge to improve the outcomes for children with serious or complex heart conditions.

Heart warrior Colton battles rare heart condition with determination and laughter

Morgan and Clint never expected their journey to parenthood would include their son being diagnosed with a rare and complex congenital heart defect. But with determination and The Kid Experts®, their heart warrior Colton has fought through the many challenges he’s faced in his young life.

Why learning and gathering your family’s heart health history is important

Most of us understand the importance of knowing our family medical history, but how many of us take the steps to gather our family’s health history? Let’s talk about screening during pregnancy and the different heart conditions that can be passed down.

Temi’s birthday wish: A new heart

Temi was diagnosed with dilated cardiomyopathy and placed on a heart transplant list only a few weeks after her birthday in 2023. She’s been in the cardiovascular care center (CVCC) at Children’s Minnesota with her family by her side ever since wishing for one thing - a new heart.

Minnesota Vikings wide receiver Brandon Powell visits Children’s Minnesota

Minnesota Vikings wide receiver Brandon Powell visited Children’s Minnesota patients at their bedside at the pediatric health care system’s Minneapolis hospital.

Request a Second Opinion

The diagnosis of heart disease can be difficult and overwhelming. Seeking a second opinion can help you understand your options and help you make the best decision for your child. You are not required to transfer your care from your current physician or cardiologist.

Twins Madison and Peyton born with same heart condition now reaching milestones after procedure

The twins were born three months premature with their patent ductus arteriosus’ (PDA) still open. The Kid Experts at Children’s Minnesota developed a standard guideline and protocol for preterm babies requiring transcatheter closure of their PDA, meaning Madison and Peyton were in the best hands possible.

Intensive Care Follow-up Clinic expands to include cardiovascular care

Our Intensive Care Follow-up Clinic is expanding its service offerings to include more patients beyond neonatal intensive care. Cardiovascular care is one of the new services families can expect to be offered at the clinic.