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Occupational Therapy

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Kellen fights back after rare spinal cord condition triggers his body to attack itself

The Kid Experts at Children’s Minnesota discovered Kellen had a rare spinal cord condition called acute flaccid myelitis. Through Kellen's hard work, he's on the road to recovery.

Annabelle’s journey through a brain tumor diagnosis and surgery in first-of-its-kind neurosurgery suite

Annabelle’s story took a shocking turn after an MRI revealed a grape-size brain tumor. With the help of the Children’s Minnesota neurosurgery team, and a first-of-its-kind brain surgery suite, Annabelle is on the road to recovery.

Farm boy tough: Henrik overcomes severe brain injury with the help of our Level I trauma center and neurosurgery teams

After what his family calls a one-in-a-million fall at daycare, little Henrik suffered a severe brain injury. His care teams at Children’s Minnesota helped put the toddler on the road to recovery.

Building toward recovery: Henry’s passion for Lego® inspires his path back from brain surgery

Henry’s lifelong passion for creating with the building toy helped build his personal story, including his journey back from brain surgery.

Occupational Therapy

Licensed occupational therapists (OTR/L) at Children's Minnesota are trained experts in evaluating children, setting up individual treatment programs and working with families and other professionals. Children receiving occupational therapy (OT) may have difficulties with:

Conditions and Services

We know you have big dreams for your child. We do, too. At Children's Minnesota, we believe all kids, from newborns to teens, should have a chance to reach their unique potential.

Physical Rehabilitation Program

The pediatric physical medicine and rehabilitation team at Children's Minnesota knows that every child has unique needs as he or she grows up — and there may be obstacles along the way. That’s why our physiatry team and rehabilitation specialists have the knowledge and skills to help your child clear developmental hurdles that may arise.