Online access to your child’s medical record

MyChildren’s is an online resource offered by Children’s Minnesota to give you secure access to parts of your Children’s medical record on your computer or phone.

Already have a MyChildren’s account?
Sign in here

Don’t have an account yet?
To enroll in MyChildren’s, ask the front desk staff in your clinic. You can also enroll by calling Children’s Health Information Management at 612-813-6216. Patients under 18 must have their parent/legal guardian request a MyChildren’s account.

Rest assured, your child’s data is secure.
My Children’s is HIPAA compliant and provides you the ability to securely view, store and share your health information.

Need help?
For technical assistance, call 612-813-6216. Contact your clinician directly with questions regarding your child’s care.

With MyChildren’s, you can:

  • View parts of your Children’s medical record, including immediate access to lab results, personal demographic information, upcoming appointments, care summaries, and track immunizations, medications and allergies.
  • Request or schedule an appointment with your child’s care provider. You can also request to reschedule or cancel an appointment.
  • Communicate directly with your child’s health care team any time. Message them to ask questions and confirm medications.

Request policy

Go here for Children’s Minnesota medical records request forms.

Hugo Clinic medical record request policy is that we need a written request from the parent or guardian of the patient. The request can be faxed, mailed or dropped off at the appropriate clinic site. We release only records that were created during your clinic visit with our physician.

The first copy of records are sent free of charge as a courtesy to our patients but any record request thereafter is charged a fee.

Get organized

Use these fill-in-the-blank forms, designed by the Family Advisory Council, to help organize and track your child’s medical information. Learn more »