Bleeding disorders: First aid for the child with hemophilia
General Guidelines for Treating Bleeding Episodes
Child's Name:
Does child keep factor at school?
Does child self-infuse?
Parent(s) Name:
Home Phone:
Work Phone:
Hematology Health Care Provider:
Children's Hematology Clinic: 612-813-5940. Ask for the hematology nurse during clinic hours or the hematologist on call after clinic hours.
- If a class trip is planned and Factor is kept at school, bring it with the child in a thermal container.
- The word parent is used throughout this document. But it is meant to refer to the parent or care provider.
If the child has an injury to the head, neck or abdomen:
1. Contact the parent immediately for instructions.
2. If parents cannot be reached, contact the hematology clinic.
If the child has a head injury AND has any neurologic signs such as:
- Drowsiness
- Irritability/confusion
- Lethargy/fatigue
- Dizziness
- Nausea and/or vomiting
- Seizures
- Dilated or unequal pupils
- Stiff neck and/or back
- Headache
- Visual changes/double vision
You should contact parents and 911 (this is a very rare occurrence).
If the child has external bleeding from a cut, scrape, or laceration, give first aid as you would with any other child:
1. Clean the cut with antiseptic.
2. Apply firm pressure until bleeding stops.
3. Apply a Band-Aid or dressing.
If the child has a laceration, which requires stitches:
1. Give first aid as you would any other child.
2. Call the parents to take child to his or her health care provider.
If the child has any of the following:
- States he is having a bleeding episode.
- Complains of tingling bubbling pain, stiffness, or decreased motion in any limb.
- Part of the body (usually a joint or muscle) is swollen / warm to the touch or has redness.
- Appears to be favoring an arm or leg more than usual.
- Limps, or refuses to use a limb.
You should:
1. Contact the parents for instructions.
2. While waiting for the parents, keep the child still to avoid further injury.
3. You may apply an ice pack and elevate the body part affected.
If the child has a typical nosebleed:
1. Position the child sitting straight with head upright.
2. Apply firm continuous pressure for 10-15 minutes.
3. If bleeding does not stop after 10-15 minutes, call the parents for instructions.
If the child has bleeding from a cut in the mouth or around a tooth:
1. Apply ice compresses with firm, continuous pressure for 10 minutes if possible.
2. A wet tea bag can be applied to the tooth.
3. If no response, call the parents for instructions.
If the child has any other complaints or injuries, contact the parents for instructions.
For more reading material about this and other health topics, please call or visit Children's Family Resource Center library or visit
Last Reviewed Hematology 7/2017
This page is not specific to your child, but provides general information on the topic above. If you have any questions, please call your clinic. For more reading material about this and other health topics, please call or visit Children's Minnesota Family Resource Center library, or visit
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