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Secure image transfer via PowerShare

Children’s Minnesota offers a quick and secure method for sharing medical images and reports for consultation via Nuance PowerShare. Using this technology provides Children’s Minnesota providers timely access to images for critically ill patients and allows for more efficient and accurate consultations.

PowerShare user access to transfer images

To utilize temporary access to PowerShare and upload radiology images and reports with Children’s, call Children’s Physician Access at 612-343-2121. The user must have access to their facilities PACS or a CD of images on hand.

Frequent access to PowerShare

If you anticipate the need to share images and reports at a high volume with Children’s Minnesota, your imaging facility can sign up for SPOKE access to PowerShare. Medical imaging and department questions can be directed to either 651-220-6147 or 612-813-8200.

24/7 access to referrals, consults and admissions. Learn more.
Intended only for health care providers. Patients, please contact your doctor directly.