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A home filled with reading material is a good way to help kids become excited readers. What kind of books? Ask your kids about their interests. If they're too young to tell you, ask your local librarian for suggestions about age-appropriate books.
You also can visit Reading BrightStart! to find book suggestions for children from birth to age 5.
Here are some other tips:
Collect board books or books with mirrors and different textures for babies. Preschoolers enjoy alphabet books, rhyming books, and picture books. Elementary-age kids enjoy fiction, nonfiction, and poetry, plus dictionaries and other reference books.
Kids can understand stories they might not be able to read on their own. If a more challenging book interests your child, read it together. Younger kids can look at illustrations in books and ask questions as they follow along.
Besides books, your kids might also enjoy:
Keep sturdy books with other toys for easy exploration. Books near the changing table and high chair can be helpful distractions for younger kids. Plastic books can even go in the bathtub. Keep books next to comfy chairs and sofas where you cuddle up so you can read after feedings and before naps.
As your kids grow:
Make sure reading areas have good lighting. Change the materials often — add seasonal books, rotate different magazines, and include books on topics your kids are interested in or are learning about in school. Decorate the corner with your child's artwork or writing. Keep electronic devices nearby to play audiobooks.
Set up a writing and art center and encourage your kids to make books, posters, or collages that they decorate with their own pictures and writing. Kids love to read things they've written themselves or to share their creations with family and friends. Ask your kids to act out the story.
Other ways to encourage your kids to read:
Note: All information is for educational purposes only. For specific medical advice, diagnoses, and treatment, consult your doctor.
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