On May 5, 2022, Children’s Minnesota is hosting a Grand Rounds titled: “Why data disaggregation matters for Asian American communities: The case of COVID-19.” The Grand Rounds will feature KaYing Yang, nonprofit management consultant, president, RedGreen Rivers, LLC, and Chao Yang, senior health educator, St. Paul-Ramsey Public Health Founder, Hmong Public Health Association.
The agenda of the Grand Rounds is:
- Review the landscape of Asian American communities in Minnesota and discuss the importance of disaggregating data within these communities.
- Describe the impact of the COIVD-19 pandemic on Asian American communities in Minnesota, using the public health impact report and COVID-19 as an example of the importance of data disaggregation.
- Discuss recommendations for what health care professionals and organizations could be doing better to improve the health of Asian American communities going forward.
James Burroughs
Senior vice president, government and community relations, chief equity and inclusion officer
James Burroughs is the senior vice president, government and community relations, chief equity and inclusion officer at Children's Minnesota. He is responsible for advancing equity and inclusion in all parts of the organization.
Follow James on LinkedIn.
Alexandra Rothstein