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We believe infants have a right to the best level of pain relief that can be safely provided. The Children’s Comfort Promise™ states we will do everything possible to prevent and treat pain, so we take a team approach to pain and anxiety management, using medicine and non-medicine therapies. Our goal is to have staff and families work together to assess pain promptly and treat it effectively.
Even though infants are still developing and cannot tell us about their pain, they do feel pain, and their pain can be treated. The health care team will do all they can to relieve pain and make your baby comfortable.
Pain can have many causes, including:
Infants cannot tell us about their pain in words, like older children, but they do give us clues by certain behaviors. We can measure pain by observing things like sleep, irritability, restlessness, appetite, movement, and vital signs (heart rate, breathing rate, blood pressure) to help decide if your baby is having pain.
Infants will act differently when they are in pain than when they are comfortable. Each infant will respond individually and may be inconsistent in how they react from time to time. Infants use a combination of behaviors to signal pain. These signs may occur when the infant is not in pain, but combinations are usually present in an infant with pain. Look for the clues listed below.
Parents have a very important role. Because you know your baby best, you can work closely with Children's staff (such as doctors, nurses, or child life specialists) to make decisions about managing pain. You are the best person to help your baby deal with new or difficult situations. To help your baby cope with pain, you can:
Use routine calming activities before and after a stressful event: gently patting or massaging your baby, holding, rocking, or talking in a soothing voice.
Pain is both a physical and emotional state. Infants feel pain in their body, and they may also have thoughts and memories about pain. Because infants do not yet have language, it is hard for us to know exactly what they think of it. We will partner with you to try and reduce both the feelings and the worry about pain. Here are some things that can help reduce pain for your baby:
We will help you to learn how to use any or all of these techniques with your baby. Please check with your child’s nurse or provider to learn more.
There are many types of pain medicines we can use. Which type is best for your baby will depend on many things, including the type of pain, how long it will last, and the reason your child has pain. Some medicines are described below.
Numbing cream, such as 4% lidocaine, can be put on the skin to numb it before a needle procedure such as an IV start, lab draw, or injection. It has to be on for at least 30 minutes to work best and help reduce discomfort with needles. It is not usually used on babies less than 37 weeks of gestation. (See the education sheet, " Anesthetic (Numbing) cream.")
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) reduce pain and inflammation. They can be bought over the counter and help manage mild to moderate pain. To reduce stomachache, they should be taken with food or formula when possible. Ibuprofen (Pediaprofen®, Motrin®, Advil®, or another brand) is an example of an NSAID.
Acetaminophen (Tylenol® or another brand) is another over-the-counter medicine that helps treat mild to moderate pain. It has fewer side effects than NSAIDs but does not reduce inflammation.
Opioids are strong medicines used to treat moderate to severe pain, often used after surgery. They may be given by IV or taken by mouth. Opioids can have side effects of itching, nausea, and constipation. Infants will often become sleepy and their breathing can slow down. Sometimes NSAIDs or acetaminophen and opioids are used together. To prevent constipation, your baby may need more fluids than usual, or a stool softener.
After your baby goes home, follow your doctor' instructions about giving pain medicines. Give the medicine as soon as the pain starts. Severe pain is harder to take away. Be sure to give medicine at bedtime to help your baby sleep comfortably. Some medicines need to be given around the clock. Your doctor will tell you the schedule for this if it is needed.
Be sure to call the doctor if the medicine does not seem to help the pain, or if the pain becomes worse. If you call the doctor about pain you might be asked if your baby has a fever, how severe the pain is based on how your baby is acting, and what the wound or surgical site looks like (if there is one).
This sheet is not specific to your child but provides general information. If you have any questions or concerns, please talk to the doctor or the staff working with your child. Your doctor or nurse can also access other pain experts in the hospital. Good pain management is a team effort.
Last Reviewed 6/2020
This page is not specific to your child, but provides general information on the topic above. If you have any questions, please call your clinic. For more reading material about this and other health topics, please call or visit Children's Minnesota Family Resource Center library, or visit
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