1,600 experts are just one call away

Children’s Physician Access is available 24/7 with a representative on the line throughout the call to assist with referrals, consultations and admissions and to provide general information.

Call 866-755-2121 or 612-343-2121.

Team up with Children’s Minnesota

Children’s Physician Access is your one stop. With this service you can:

  • Request that a member of the palliative care team assess your patient within the hospital. You can also request this through the electronic medical records.
  • Refer a patient to our clinic for palliative or hospice care, or refer a patient to our palliative or hospice home care team.
  • Refer a child with serious illness who is not born yet, through our perinatal palliative care and hospice program.



Doctors and healthcare providers call for 24/7 patient referral, admission and neonatal transport assistance.