The wait times in our emergency departments are longer than usual due to illnesses like RSV and the flu. View our estimated ED wait times and learn more about where to get care for your sick child.

Outcomes and Research

Finding new ways to improve comfort and care

At Children’s, we focus on research and innovations that make a difference at the bedside. From improving day-to-day quality of life for children and teens, to developing new pain management approaches and adopting cutting-edge technologies, our research is completely kid and family-focused.

Children’s is engaged in many types of research, including investigator-initiated studies (led by a Children’s clinician), as well as externally sponsored multicenter trials, observational studies and registries.

Research studies are ongoing in all areas of the hospital and clinics, including these related to pediatric sleep disorders:

  • Iron supplementation and probiotics in the treatment of restless leg syndrome
  • Sleep patterns in children diagnosed with cystic fibrosis
  • Management of sleep in children being treated for brain tumors
  • Blue Blocker Glasses in management of insomnia

We share our outcomes with you

Choosing where to bring your child for care is a major decision. We understand you want all the information you can get. And you want it in a clear, straightforward form that helps you make the right choice for your family.

That’s why we share our outcomes with you. In medicine, “outcomes” measure the end results of a treatment. By comparing our outcomes with those of other hospitals, locally and nationally, you can see how we rank in terms of keeping patients safe and healthy.

See how Children’s ranks on six quality of care measures. Learn more.


  • The Effects of Dexamethasone on Sleep in Young Children with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, G Rosen et al. Submitted and under review at Supportive Care in Cancer 2013.
  • Sleep in Children with Cancer, G Rosen and SR Brand.
  • Parasomnias in Children, G Rosen.
  • Principles and Practice of Pediatric Sleep Medicine, Elsevier 2013.

Get educated

At Children’s Minnesota, we know how important reliable information about conditions and illnesses is.