Children’s Minnesota is proud to congratulate the 158 physicians who were recognized as 2018 Top Doctors by Minnesota Monthly magazine. The annual list is determined by a survey of 10,000 licensed Minnesota doctors who were asked to name up to three doctors in a specialty category. The result was 935 physicians named in 65 categories. The list is published in the October issue of the magazine and online.
Congratulations to all of our Top Doctors, and thank you for living our value of “kids first” in all you do!
Mary Abuzzahab, MD
Robert Acton, MD
Matthew Ambrose, MD
Rebecca Ameduri, MD
Scott Anseth, MD
Steven Baisch, MD
Charles Baker, MD
Jane Barthell, MD
John Bass, MD
Kiran Belani, MD
Anne Bendel, MD
Catherine Bendel, MD
Ellen Bendel-Stenzel, MD
Mark Bergeron, MD MPH
Thomas Bergman, MD
Gary Berman, MD
Susan Berry, MD
Merrill Biel, MD
Bryce Binstadt, MD
Deborah Bohn, MD
Carrie Borchardt, MD
Richard Bransford, MD
Elizabeth Braunlin, MD
David Burton, MD
Farah Cassis-Ghavami, MD
Kristina Catrine, MD
Keith Cavanaugh, MD
Nicole Chase, MD
Blanche Chavers, MD
Pamela Chawla, MD
Srinath Chinnakotla, MD
Denis Clohisy, MD
Colleen Correll, MD MPH
Charles Crutchfield, MD
Harley Dresner, MD
Themistocles Economou, MD
David Einzig, MD
Stephen England, MD
Isaac Felemovicius-Hermangus, MD
Jamie Flohr, MD
Stefan Friedrichsdorf, MD
Walter Galicich, MD
Laura Gandrud, MD
Kathryn Gehrig, MD
Kristin Gendron, MD
Caroline George, MD
Thomas George, MD
Mark Gormley, MD
Patrick Graupman, MD
David Gremmels, MD
Garrett Griffin, MD
Philip Halverson, MD
Andrew Harrison, MD
Andrew Hartigan, MD
Thomas Helm, MD
Mark Hill, MD
Christine Hills, MD
Gurumurthy Hiremath Mallikarjun, MD
Patricia Hobday, MD
Kristen Hook, MD
Subbarao Inampudi, MD
Steven Inman, MD
Luke Jakubowski, MD
Steven Janousek, MD
Eric Johnson, MD
Avi Katz, MD
Mumtaz Kazim, MD
Meysam Kebriaei, MD
Pramod Kelkar, MD
Michelle Kennedy, MD
Anupam Kharbanda, MD
Yul Kim, MD
Andrew Kiragu, MD
Stephen Kurachek, MD
Jennifer Kyllo, MD
Andrea Lampland, MD
Timothy Lander, MD
George Landis, MD
Jorge Leon, MD
John Lesser, MD
Jamie Lohr, MD
Sofia Lyford-Pike, MD
Michael Madison, MD
Barbara Malone, MD
Kenneth Maslonka, MD
Michael McCue, MD
Douglas McMahon, MD
John McNamara, MD
Hemalini Mehta, MD
Nancy Mendelsohn, MD
Yoav Messinger, MD
Abby Meyer, MD
Rachel Miller, MD
Amy Moeller, MD
Christopher Moertel, MD
Francis Moga, MD
Ali Mokhtarzadeh, MD
Didima Mon-Sprehe, MD
Jeanne Mrozek, MD
Mahmoud Nagib, MD
Joseph Neglia, MD
Stephen Nelson, MD
Jane Nemecek, MD
Jeffrey Nowak, MD
Mark Omlie, DDS MD
Nancy Ott, MD
David Overman, MD
Mrunalini Parvataneni, MD
Joseph Petronio, MD
Jeffrey Phelan, MD
Mary Ella Pierpont, MD
Ingrid Polcari, MD
William Pomputius, MD
Tamara Pozos, MD PhD
Jonathan Pribila, MD
Anne-Marie Priebe, DO
Jason Raasch, MD
Kristen Radtke, MD
Jawhar Rawwas, MD
Michelle Rheault, MD
Michael Richards, MD
Franklin Rimell, MD
Rodrigo Rios, MD
Mona Riskalla, MD
Brianne Roby, MD
Inell Rosario, MD
Gerald Rosen, MD
Daniel Saltzman, MD
Daniel Sampson, MD
Milagros Santiago, MD
Mark Schleiss, MD
David Schmeling, MD
Derek Schmidt, MD
Kris Ann Schultz, MD
Clark Schumacher, MD
Sarah Schwarzenberg, MD
Bradley Segura, MD
Ralph Shapiro, MD
Michael Shreve, MD
Benhoor Soumekh, MD
Julia Steinberger, MD
Allan Stillerman, MD
Patsa Sullivan, MD
T Michael Tedford, MD
Robert Tibesar, MD
Christopher Tolan, MD
Ann Van Heest, MD
Richard Vehe, MD
Priya Verghese, MD
Constantinos Voulgaropoulo, MD
Yale Wang, MD
Michael Wexler, MD
William Wheeler, MD
Laura Willson, MD
Jonathan Witzke, MD
Robert Wood, MD
Cherie Zachary, MD
Brian Zelickson, MD