Hemophilia emergencies include:
With all hemophilia emergencies, seek medical evaluation immediately.
Remember: Factor first, which means give factor before any procedure or test. This is especially important when you visit an emergency room where the common practice is to do tests before medications are administered. You will need to be an advocate for your child or yourself.
Any severe physical trauma including car accidents should be evaluated immediately even if there are no symptoms.
All head injuries are considered to be serious. Please seek medical evaluation immediately. These signs can occur following a head
injury or spontaneously (rarely). They can be a sign that bleeding is actually occurring inside the head. They are not always a sign of bleeding, but watch for them and report them if they occur:
Large amounts of blood can be lost in this muscle group with little or no swelling. Signs of iliopsoas muscle bleeding are:
Compartment syndrome is an increase in pressure within the muscle, which can cut off the circulation to the nerve in the area. This usually occurs 12 hours to 3 days after the injury. This typically occurs in the forearm, calf or hip area (iliopsoas muscle). Signs may include:
Surgery may be required to relieve pressure on the blood vessels and nerves. Often this can be avoided by elevating the affected limb and applying ice to the area.
Seek medical evaluation immediately. For most emergencies, call the hematology clinic at 612-813-5940:
The following types of bleeds are not always emergencies, but left untreated or treated incorrectly can lead to emergencies.
Call your hematology provider to discuss a treatment plan if you have these symptoms.
This is not specific to your child, but provides general information. If you have any questions, call your clinic.
Reviewed by Hematology 7/2017
This page is not specific to your child, but provides general information on the topic above. If you have any questions, please call your clinic. For more reading material about this and other health topics, please call or visit Children's Minnesota Family Resource Center library, or visit www.childrensmn.org/educationmaterials.
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