Catheterizing a boy - intermittent
Article Translations: (Spanish)
What is intermittent catheterization?
The body holds urine in the bladder, a muscular sac, and empties it through the urethra (yu-reeth-rah), a narrow passageway leading outside the body. A small tube called a catheter (kath-eh-tur) can be inserted through the urethra to help drain the urine. When this is done periodically, it is called "intermittent catheterization" (kath-eh-tur-ah-zay-shun).
Catheterization promotes regular urine flow, protecting against overdistension (overfilling of the bladder). It also helps prevent infection.
Special instructions
Empty your child's bladder ______ times during the day, including upon awakening in the morning and just before bedtime.
Also empty your child's bladder ______ times at night, if directed by the doctor.
Your child's catheter size is ____________
You can buy catheters from _______________________________________
Check with your insurance company for coverage.
What equipment do I need?
___ latex-free catheters (proper size)
___ lubricant (water soluble jelly-like substance used to prevent irritation such as K-Y® jelly. Never use a petroleum- based product such as Vaseline® )
___ clean container to carry catheters such as:
- re-sealable plastic bag
- plastic toothbrush case
- plastic soap case
- any easy-to-carry, tightly covered container
___ container to empty urine into
___ tightly covered container for storing clean, dry catheters at home
For catheterizing while away from home you will also need:
___ re-sealable plastic bag for used catheters
___ pre-moistened antibacterial towelettes
How is catheterization done?
- Clean your hands well, using one of the following methods:
• Use an alcohol hand sanitizer (Purell® or another brand) according to directions.
• If hands are dirty or alcohol is not available, wash your hands with soap and water for at least 15 seconds, rubbing all surfaces briskly, including under fingernails. Use a paper towel or clean hand towel to dry your hands, and then use the towel to turn off the faucet.
- Gather equipment (see checklist).
- If the child is toilet trained, ask him to try to urinate.
- Pull back the foreskin (a fold of skin covering the tip of the penis) if present, and wash tip of the penis with soap and water. Use a circular motion starting at the urethra opening and working outward. Use pre-moistened towelettes if soap and water are not available.
- Have your child lie down on his back with his legs extended. If he shows interest in catheterizing himself, he can sit on the toilet or a chair.
- Open the catheter container and remove one catheter without touching the tip.
- Lubricate the catheter tip.
- Hold the penis straight up. Push back the foreskin, if present.
- Hold catheter about 2 inches from the tip. Insert the catheter gently until urine begins to flow into the container or toilet, then advance about ½ inch further.
- Hold the catheter in place until the urine stops flowing.
- When the urine stops flowing, remove the catheter slowly, pausing if the urine starts to flow again.
- Return the foreskin, if present, to the original position.
- Discard the urine and rinse the container well.
How do I care for the equipment?
- Clean catheters right after use with soap and water, using soap lather and your hands.
- Rinse inside and outside of the catheter well with water.
- Air-dry the catheter by laying it on a clean towel.
- Change the towel every day.
- Wash the urine container every day with soap and water.
__ If directed by your child's doctor, sterilize the catheters once a day:
- Clean the catheters as above with soap and water.
- Prepare a solution of 1 teaspoon liquid bleach to 8 ounces water in a clean, tightly covered container. Use a pure, fragrance-free and additive- free bleach, such as Hilex® or Clorox®. Prepare a new solution every day.
- Soak catheters in the bleach solution for at least 30 to 60 minutes.
- After soaking, rinse well with water and air dry on a clean towel.
Throw a catheter away when it becomes stiff or cracked, you are unable to clean it, or after 1 month of use, unless otherwise instructed.
When away from home
If soap and water are not available, use pre- moistened antibacterial towelettes for cleaning hands, the tip of the penis, and catheter.
Urine may be drained into a toilet or into a clean diaper.
If water is available, rinse the catheter after use and place in a re-sealable bag.
Throw away the re-sealable bag after the catheter has been cleaned at home.
When should I call the doctor?
Call the doctor right away if:
- temperature higher than 101°F (38.4°C)
- trouble inserting the catheter
- unusual discomfort while inserting the catheter
- unusual drainage from the penis or around the catheter
- change in the smell of urine
- blood in urine
- cloudy urine
- sandy particles in urine
- decreased amount of urine
This is not specific to your child, but provides general information. If you have any questions please call the clinic.
Reviewed 7/2017
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