Hypospadias is when the male urethra does not form correctly. The urethral opening, the hole where the urine comes out, is not in the normal position. Instead of the tip, it is on the underside of the penis. Hypospadias may be mild, moderate or severe depending on where the opening is on the penis. Boys with hypospadias are usually missing the underside of their foreskin, so that the foreskin forms a hood. There may also be a bend or curve (called chordee) in the penis when the boy has an erection.
The reason for hypospadias is not known, but it can occur in other family members.
Your child may have been diagnosed at birth by physical exam. Boys with hypospadias urinate with a stream that is often directed downward rather than out and away from the body. This condition, when left uncorrected, may make future sexual intercourse difficult.
Usually surgery is recommended to correct the problem. The procedure takes 1-3 hours and your son will go home the same day. It is best done before your son starts potty training. If the hypospadias is severe, more than one surgery may be needed.
Your son will receive general anesthesia to help him sleep and not feel pain during surgery. A caudal block (numbing medicine placed near the tailbone) will be given. The urethra is built using local tissue and the skin on the penis shaft is reconstructed. The child often needs a catheter or stent (a small plastic tube) to drain the urine during healing for several days after the operation.
Most children do well with the surgery. If your son is in pain, a pain medicine can help. You may alternate Acetaminophen (Tylenol® or another brand) and Ibuprofen (such as Advil® or Motrin®). Do not give aspirin because it may cause bleeding.
Before your child is discharged you will be given written information about their care at home and any questions you have will be answered.
You will need to check the penis every 3-4 hours during the first day to monitor for bleeding and to make sure the catheter or stent is draining urine. The penis and scrotum will appear more red or darker and develop swelling and bruising.
Call your primary care provider for any other concerns.
Follow-up with your child’s surgeon as directed following the surgery.
You must schedule an appointment with the urology nurses for stent removal 1-2 weeks after surgery, or as directed by your child’s surgeon. Call your surgeon’s office to schedule an appointment.
This information is not specific to your child but provides general information. If you have any concerns, please call us at 612-813-8000.
This page is not specific to your child, but provides general information on the topic above. If you have any questions, please call your clinic. For more reading material about this and other health topics, please call or visit Children's Minnesota Family Resource Center library, or visit www.childrensmn.org/educationmaterials.
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