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It feels like a fever. Or maybe a cold. But when you look in the mirror and see spots, you know it's not a game of connect-the-dots. It's chickenpox.
And chickenpox sure do itch! Here's why: After the red spots appear on your body, they fill up with a clear liquid. These liquid-filled blisters release chemicals in your skin that activate the nerves that make you itch.
These nerves in the top layers of your skin tell the brain when something itches. They are the same nerves that get activated when you get a reaction to a mosquito bite. When these nerves are activated, they send a message to your brain: "Something's on the skin! Get rid of it!" Your brain sends a message back to your hand and arm that says, "Scratch that itch!"
You may feel like the itching will never stop, but the good news is that after 3–4 days, you'll start feeling better. In a week or so, the vesicles will have formed scabs and you won't be as itchy anymore.
In the meantime, try your best not to scratch. Scratching may spread germs from your skin that could cause an infection. Cut your fingernails short so you won't hurt your skin if you do scratch. Also, wash your hands often during this time. Keep busy and you won't want to scratch as much. When you're not resting, read some books, play a board game, or watch a movie.
If your doctor recommends it, your mom or dad might help you apply some anti-itch cream or lotion. The doctor also might suggest you take a pill or liquid medicine to make you less itchy. These medicines can be especially helpful if you can't sleep because you're so busy scratching.
There's something else you could try if you're itching — oatmeal . You don't eat it, you take a bath in it! Your mom or dad can add some ground-up oatmeal or an oatmeal-based bath powder to the bath water. Ah, oatmeal. It's not just for breakfast anymore!
Note: All information is for educational purposes only. For specific medical advice, diagnoses, and treatment, consult your doctor.
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