The Feeding Clinic at Children’s Minnesota provides support, education and comprehensive evaluation for a wide variety of feeding concerns that include behavioral, physical, developmental and more. Patients are seen by a multidisciplinary team including a nurse practitioner, occupational therapist, speech-language pathologist, dietitian, and child psychologist (if appropriate).
- Transition from tube feedings to oral feedings
- Difficulty progressing to textured foods requiring a team evaluation (due to medical complexity and/or nutritional concerns)
- Difficulty sucking, swallowing or chewing requiring a team evaluation (due to medical complexity and/or nutritional concerns)
- Oral aversion and sensory concerns impacting feeding requiring a team evaluation (due to medical complexity and/or nutritional concerns)
- Feeding difficulties resulting in nutritional deficiencies
- Behaviors and/or anxiety around feeding and food choices
- Patient Name
- Referring provider
- Primary care provider
- Insurance information
- Diagnosis and isolation requirements
- Special needs requirements
To contact a specialist, please call our admissions line: 866-755-2121