Mighty Blog

Do you have Medical Assistance or MinnesotaCare insurance coverage?

Don’t risk a gap in your health insurance coverage. Visit the Minnesota Department of Human Services (DHS) Renew My Coverage website for information about the renewal process.

Steps to keep your Medical Assistance or MinnesotaCare coverage

  1. Update your contact information today!
    Make sure your phone number, mailing address and email address are correct. This is important so DHS can contact you when it is time to renew your coverage.

    • Medical Assistance: Contact your county or tribe. Visit the Department of Human Services website to find a list of phone numbers.
    • MinnesotaCare: Contact Health Care Consumer Support at 651-297-3862 or 800-657-3672.
    • If you are unsure if you have Medical Assistance or MinnesotaCare, call Health Care Consumer Support at 651-297-3862 or 800-657-3672.
  2. Watch for a letter in the mail from DHS.
    You will get a letter from DHS one to two months before your application deadline. Medical Assistance enrollees can expect their renewal to take place based on the anniversary month of their original application for coverage. MinnesotaCare enrollees can expect their eligibility renewal beginning in October 2023.
  3. Watch for your renewal paperwork in the mail.
    You’ll get an envelope in the mail with a blue circle that says, “Important information enclosed.” When you get your renewal paperwork, fill out any forms and return them quickly to apply to keep your coverage. You have the option to complete your renewal form by mail, phone or online. If you don’t apply you may lose your health insurance coverage.


  • Visit the Department of Human Services website.
  • Children’s Minnesota patients can call a Children’s financial counselor at 612-813-6432 for help with the application process.

Be aware of scams: Fraudsters have been calling Medicaid enrollees and demanding cash if they want to keep their insurance. DHS will never call you and ask for personal information or demand payment.

Mai Songsawatwong