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Noonan syndrome is a condition that some babies are born with. It causes changes in the face and chest, usually includes heart problems, and slightly raises a child's risk of blood cancer (leukemia).
Noonan syndrome is a pretty common condition, affecting 1 in 1,000–2,500 babies.
Most children with Noonan syndrome have differences in the shape of their face and head. These are noticeable at birth and include:
They may also have:
Other differences as the child grows might include:
The symptoms of Noonan syndrome can be mild to severe. Two children with Noonan syndrome may have completely different symptoms and skills.
A gene mutation (change) causes Noonan syndrome. Many different gene mutations can cause it.
Everyone has two copies of almost every gene. It only takes one changed gene to cause Noonan syndrome. In that case, children of a parent who has Noonan syndrome have a 50% chance of having it too.
Very rarely, changes in both copies of one gene can cause Noonan syndrome.
Doctors usually notice the features of Noonan syndrome at birth or soon afterward and suspect the diagnosis. The doctor will:
Based on the results of these steps, the doctor will decide if a child may have Noonan syndrome.
A geneticist (a doctor who specializes in genetic disorders) will order a genetic test to see which mutation the child has. Knowing which gene changed can help doctors get a better idea about which symptoms will be most challenging for the child.
The doctors may also order these imaging tests:
There's no cure for Noonan syndrome, but medical care can help with almost every symptom.
For example:
A team of doctors, nurses, therapists, and social workers provide care for a child with Noonan syndrome.
Meeting with a genetic counselor can help families:
As they grow into adulthood, most children with Noonan syndrome have:
A child with Noonan syndrome who does not have serious heart problems usually:
The medical challenges of Noonan syndrome can be stressful for your child and you. But you're not alone. The care team will work together to help manage problems, and to support your family. You can also ask about support groups, or visit online sites such as The Noonan Syndrome Foundation.
Note: All information is for educational purposes only. For specific medical advice, diagnoses, and treatment, consult your doctor.
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