The occupational therapists at Children’s Minnesota are trained to evaluate and work with kids who have a variety of diagnoses including developmental delays, autism spectrum disorder (ASD), Down syndrome and other medical conditions that may affect their ability to obtain appropriate functional skills.
- Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
- Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD)
- Genetic and chromosomal abnormalities
- Traumatic brain injury, stroke, brain tumor
- Developmental delays
- Complex medical histories affecting development
- Feeding disorders
- Orthopedic conditions
- Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis
- Cerebral palsy
- Cancer
- Sensory integrative disorder
- Bowel and bladder issues
- Evaluation and treatment of children who have difficulties with:
- Activities of daily living such as dressing, bathing, grooming and play skills
- Physical development of motor skills
- Strength, endurance, and range of motion of muscles and joints
- Sensory processing abilities
- Visual and perceptual abilities
- Cognition
- Identify the need for and train children and caregivers in the use of adaptive equipment to promote independence
- Provide developmental interventions to enhance sensory and motor skills
- Videofluoroscopy in conjunction with radiology (only at Minneapolis campus)
- VitalStim® Therapy System for children who have difficulty with swallowing. Includes participation in research and outcome studies. (only at Minneapolis campus)
- Animal-assisted therapy
- Modified constraint-induced movement therapy
- Aquatic therapy offered at Children’s Minneapolis and St. Paul campuses.
- Patient Name
- Referring provider
- Primary care provider
- Insurance information
- Diagnosis and isolation requirements
- Special needs requirements
- Patient’s city and state
- Developmental pediatrics
- Down syndrome
- Neonatology