Gynecology locations
Some insurance companies may require a referral to a specialist from your primary care physician. If a referral is required, you should work with your primary care provider prior to an appointment with our program.
We offer same day gynecology appointments, when possible, for patients 13 and older. Same day appointments are available on a first come, first serve basis. To schedule an appointment, call 651-220-5999. Appointments are available for reasons such as:
- Yeast infection
- UTI/bladder infection
- Vaginal discharge
- New Vulvovaginal lesions/sores/rash
- STI testing
- Emergency contraception
- Pregnancy confirmation
- LARC (long acting reversible contraception)
To make a gynecology appointment at the location nearest you, call 651-220-5999.
For new patients: Online scheduling is available for new gynecology patients. Go here to schedule online or call the phone number above.