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Volunteer Appreciation Week 2022

Join us in thanking our amazing volunteers for all the time, energy and talent they bring to the Children’s Minnesota care team!

In the past year, 276 volunteers gave over 12,922 hours to Children’s Minnesota, bringing enthusiasm, compassion and dedication to all they do. From supporting normal growth and development by playing games or rocking babies, to providing families with basic necessities through our amenities cart, our volunteers go the extra mile to make hospitalizations a more positive experience for our families.

Get to know our volunteers!

Andrew Morse
Andrew Morse

Tell us about your role and how long you’ve volunteered.
“I’ve been a volunteer in the St. Paul Surgery Center for about three years, where I escort patients and their families throughout the hospital and assist staff in whatever they might need.”

What inspired you to volunteer at Children’s Minnesota?
“I plan to pursue a career as a physician in a pediatric subspecialty and knew Children’s [Minnesota] would be a great environment to work with and learn from amazing people.”

What’s the best part about being a part of the Children’s Minnesota team?
“The people and the purpose. I’ve made some great friends during my time at Children’s [Minnesota] and feel I make a difference.”

Audrey Smith
Audrey Smith

Tell us about your role and how long you’ve volunteered.
“I am currently a greeter guide stationed at the elevators on level 2 of the specialty center (since 2014). I started volunteering with Families as Partners and served on the Family Advisory Council from 2012-2017, this year marks 10 years at Children’s Minnesota.”

What’s the best part about being a part of the Children’s Minnesota team?
“Interacting with the kiddos and their families, helping them to find the clinics they need to be at.”

What fills your time outside of volunteering?
“I’m the personal care assistance (PCA) for my grandson and I like to craft, making greeting cards. I also serve on the ministry staff at my church.”

Brittany Frickstad
Brittany Frickstad

Tell us about your role and how long you’ve volunteered.
“I volunteer with the Star Studio and have since December 2019. My job is to hand out Bingo! cards to players and join in with whoever needs a partner!”

What’s the best part about being a part of the Children’s Minnesota team?
“All the people! I love the kids, the parents, the Star Studio team, the volunteer staff, the health care staff, the kitchen staff, environmental services, the therapy teams… I could go on and on, but I think you get the picture.”

Why should people volunteer here (or anywhere)?
“This has been such a fulfilling, inspiring experience. I learned that I loved health care, I’ve met really incredible people and it’s the highlight of my week. I totally get why Santa loves giving out gifts at Christmas, giving out prizes is so much fun!”

Gabby DeSmet
Gabby DeSmet

Tell us about your role and how long you’ve volunteered.
“As a volunteer in the family surgery waiting room, I check in families into the waiting room and act as the interface between the health care staff and patient families to communicate surgery progress and updates. I began volunteering in August of 2019!”

Do you have a favorite memory from your time here?
“This past summer, I volunteered at the special State Fair event that the volunteer and child life offices put on during the actual Minnesota State Fair! I was the face-painter’s assistant and it was so fun to see how excited all the little girls were to get the very pink and very sparkly unicorn design!”

What fills your time outside of volunteering?
“In the summer, I love to garden and grow my own vegetables! As the staff in the volunteer office know, I also love to read and do yoga!”

Joe Scovronski
Joe Scovronski

Tell us about your role and how long you’ve volunteered.
“I manage the book cart which involves a personal mini library visit to every patient’s room for each child and parent to look through and select books to read while at Children’s [Minnesota] and that they can bring home. Best job ever to bring joy with free new books to give away! I’ve been volunteering at both Minneapolis and St. Paul locations of Children’s [Minnesota] for seven years and three months.”

What’s the best part about being a part of the Children’s Minnesota team?
“The feeling of being part of a healing team. The doctors, nurses, medical staff and volunteer staff are all very positive, so it’s a joy to be greeted with smiles while building relationships.”

What inspired you to volunteer at Children’s Minnesota?
“I’m a big kid at heart. I love to help the parents/doctors/nurses and medical staff bring healing to their kids/patients by sharing a little joy and love. On the surface, books don’t seem to be as appealing as the many other entertainment choices kids have today, but you’d be surprised by the smiles I see giving the books away. Kids experience great joy having connection time with their parents and caregivers. I believe, it’s that special time reading together that aids the healing process.”

Lynette Thompson
Lynette Thompson

Tell us about your role and how long you’ve volunteered.
“I’ve been volunteering with the Little Green Friends program for 10 years. This program is a partnership between St. Paul Children’s Minnesota and the Ramsey County Master Gardeners. Currently we have 12- 15 Master Gardeners who work in teams of two each week year round. We offer a live plant activity to selected patients, helping each child choose a plant, showing them how to place it into a pot and then care for their plant while they remain hospitalized and/or go home.”

What do you think makes kids amazing?
“Their honesty and resilience.”

What inspired you to volunteer at Children’s Minnesota?
“I learned about the Little Green Friends program during my intern year with the Ramsey County Master Gardener program. As a nurse and now a Master Gardener, this was the perfect fit to blend my nursing skills and interest in nature’s healing effects.”

Steve West
Steve West

Tell us about your role and how long you’ve volunteered.
“I take the amenities cart around to the rooms and offer beverages and snacks to the families. I fill out my shift by holding babies, cleaning toys, delivering blankets and restocking supplies for the nurses. I started volunteering at Children’s [Minnesota] in January 2018.”

Do you have a favorite memory from your time here?
“Coming back after the pandemic prevented us from volunteering for 11 months. Everyone was so glad to see us and we were just as excited to be back.”

What do you think makes kids amazing?
“Their resiliency. They can hurt and be upset, but you can hold them or play with them and help them forget for a little while.”

Yesica Mercado Munoz
Yesica Mercado Munoz

Tell us about your role and how long you’ve volunteered.
“I am currently an inpatient float meaning I go around to inpatient floors and spend time with patients in their rooms or in the playrooms! I provide distraction and support to patients through playing with toys, reading books, painting, or even just watching part of a movie with them while their parents are away. I have volunteered for a little over two years.”

What’s the best part about being a part of the Children’s Minnesota team?
“The atmosphere of Children’s [Minnesota] is absolutely amazing! Everyone is so genuine and all share a goal in trying to improve the lives of children even if that means making them laugh or smile for a few minutes.”

What fills your time outside of volunteering?
“I am a full-time student at the University of Minnesota (the U of M) studying developmental psychology with a minor in neuroscience. I also work two jobs, one as a research assistant for a pediatric endocrinologist at the U of M and as an access assistant for U of M students with disabilities.”

Barb Kelley
Barb Kelley

Tell us about your role and how long you’ve volunteered.
“I bring the joy of a fuzzy bunny to visit the kids. I’ve volunteered for 10+ years.”

What inspired you to volunteer at Children’s Minnesota?
“It was time in my life to give to others and Children’s Minnesota is a perfect fit.”

What’s the best part about being a part of the Children’s Minnesota team?
“Bringing a bit of stress-free happiness to the day of kids and their families.”

Joyce Sidman and another volunteer, PollyTell us about your role and how long you’ve volunteered.
“I work as a Book Nook volunteer, keeping the books organized and taking the book cart around to all the inpatient wards. We offer books to each family to read in the hospital and take home. I have been doing this for close to 20 years!”

What’s the best part about being a part of the Children’s Minnesota team?
“Meeting the families and the kids! They are so brave and the kids are so resilient and full of energy. I truly feel that we are offering them a service that helps them feel both grounded and stimulated.”

What do you think makes kids amazing?
“They are in the moment. They respond directly to kindness and humor. There are no walls up yet. If you look into their eyes and treat them with respect, they will engage.”

Maria Pizarro Salazar
Maria Pizarro Salazar

Tell us about your role and how long you’ve volunteered.
“I have been for Children’s [Minnesota] since October 2021. My role is to be an in-patient float. This role is an amazing opportunity to spend time with the patients and bring some hours of fun and company to them while they are in the hospital dealing with their diseases. Is a role that offers support to nurses and family members as we can bring some company to kids.”

What fills your time outside of volunteering?
“I am a full-time student so much of my time goes devoted to my classes. I also do research which I really enjoy, so if I am not in class I am probably in the lab. I am also part of the Donne Unite choir which I truly enjoy, and we meet twice a week for rehearsal. I love singing in my free time because it makes me feel very relaxed and happy. I love the feeling of being part of something bigger than me like it is in the choir, we are a team, and our voices go together to make something beautiful.”

Why should people volunteer here (or anywhere)?
“I think people should volunteer here because it is an amazing place to feel you are bringing more happiness to the world. It makes you feel fulfilled, wanted and appreciated. When we volunteer, we get to learn so much about other people, about their realities, their goals, and dreams. It makes us appreciate the people around us and it brings happiness to our lives. I love volunteering at Children’s [Minnesota] because in the same way as being part of a choir, when I am in Children’s [Minnesota], we are doing something bigger, and we are working together to provide the best care to the children.”

Thank you to all the Children’s Minnesota volunteers for all you do!

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