Article Translations: (English) (Spanish) (Somali)
Cov ncauj lus teev hauv phau ntawv no tsis yog teev txog koj tus me nyuam kiag. Muab cov ncauj lus no qhia ua ib yam kev pab rau peb cov neeg mob. Cov ncauj lus no yog siv ua kev qhia thiab kev faj seeb nkaus xwb thiab yuav tsum TSIS txhob muab los hloov tej tswv yim ntawm koj tus me nyuam tus kws kho mob. Yog tias koj muaj tej lus nug, thov hu rau Children’s ENT & Kev Phais Ntsej Muag Zoo Nkauj ntawm 612-874-1292.
Muab xyuas 11/2022
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