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Kid Experts Showcase

Tell us where you’ve been a Kid Expert

The Kid Experts® Showcase is our database of all speaking engagements by clinical and nonclinical Children’s Minnesota employees. Physicians and other health care providers affiliated with Children’s Minnesota are regularly invited to speak as The Kid Experts® at local, national and international conferences and events. They frequently are invited to be presenters for a variety of professional and informal educational opportunities. All Children’s Minnesota employees are asked to report how and where they are sharing knowledge and showing up as The Kid Experts®. Tracking speaking and outreach activities by all Children’s Minnesota employees allows us to highlight the expertise of individuals and the collective impact of our organization on other health professionals and communities. Please note: If you have been contacted by someone from the news media to give an interview or provide information, or invited to participate in a podcast or other social media communication, please notify [email protected].

Submit information about your speaking engagement

Please complete this simple form to tell us about your presentation, community engagement or other outreach activity.

(MD, APRN, etc)

(physicians, nurses, etc.)

(if desired)