The wait times in our emergency departments are longer than usual due to illnesses like RSV and the flu. View our estimated ED wait times and learn more about where to get care for your sick child.

Surgeon Satisfaction Survey

Surgeon Satisfaction Survey

This survey will take 4 minutes or less to complete.

To get started, can you please provide some brief background information?

With respect to choosing where to do your procedures, we would like to understand the importance of the following:

Now, we would to like ask a few questions to understand your level of satisfaction.

Now, we would like to ask a few questions to understand your level of agreement.

Lastly, we would like the opportunity to get some specific feedback from you?

If you would like to be contacted by Gloria Drake, Sr. Director of Peri-operative Services or Dr. David Schmeling, Chief of Surgery regarding your responses or any concerns. Gloria Drake - Phone: 612.813.6263, Email: [email protected]; Dr. David Schmeling- Phone: 612.813.6690, Email: [email protected]