Children’s Minnesota would like to extend a warm welcome to neurosurgeon, Amy Bruzek, MD, to our neurosurgery program. Dr. Bruzek’s expertise will enhance the neuroscience program by expanding its services to include peripheral nerve surgery to treat conditions such as brachial plexus injury, peripheral nerve tumors and hand functionality after a spinal cord injury. She will also be offering single-level laminectomy and multi-level laminectomy selective dorsal rhizotomies for spasticity related to cerebral palsy.

Amy Bruzek, MD
Amy Bruzek, MD, completed medical school at Virginia Commonwealth University Medical School. Her residency was completed at the University of Michigan and her pediatric neurosurgery fellowship training was completed at Washington University of Medicine in St. Louis. Within pediatric neurosurgery, Dr. Bruzek’s areas of special interest include pediatric brain tumors, brachial plexus, peripheral nerve, spasticity and craniosynostosis. Her research has focused on pediatric brain tumors, particularly diffuse midline glioma.
The neuroscience program at Children’s Minnesota provides care for more pediatric neurology, brain tumor and epilepsy patients than any other hospital in the region. Children’s Minnesota also has the largest team of pediatric neurosurgeons in the region and the most sophisticated technology, performing more than 500 neurosurgeries each year.