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Cancer and blood disorders outcomes: Timely


INTERPRETATION: After completing our planned improvements to the process, 75% of the patients from the cancer and blood disorders program who came to the ER with a fever received the ordered dose of antibiotics in an average of 52 minutes.

WHAT WE ARE DOING TO IMPROVE: A multidisciplinary team including providers from the ER and oncology, as well as pharmacy, IT and our Children’s Physician Access have developed a pre-registration process which allows orders to be entered and acted upon prior to patient arriving in the Emergency Room. This allows the antibiotics to be prepared ahead of time and administered to the patient quickly upon arrival to the ER.

DATA SOURCE: Medical record abstraction on a monthly basis.

BENCHMARK DATA: US News and World Report asks for 75% patients presenting to ER get their antibiotic in less than 60 minutes.

Get a second opinion on a cancer or blood disorder diagnosis

When you're seeking a second opinion, experts at the Cancer and Blood Disorders Program can help.


Listen in as kids and families share their stories about living with hemophilia and sickle cell disease.

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