This blog is not about Juneteenth. If you’re interested in learning more about Juneteenth, please Google it.
After you read up on it, you’ll see that Juneteenth is not a Black holiday or a Black history moment. Juneteenth is an American holiday. An important part of history.
It’s also our newest national holiday and I’m grateful for the recognition Juneteenth is finally receiving. Corporations are making public statements about Juneteenth and giving employees the day off. Consumers are getting Juneteenth discounts and can buy all kinds of Juneteenth merchandise. (Helpful Hint — DO NOT BUY Juneteenth food items to share with your friends.)
But again, this blog is not about Juneteenth.
This blog is about #EquityActions.
What you can do — beyond celebrating and learning about Juneteenth — to bring us closer to achieving racial equity. Here is your Juneteenth to do list:
- Hold your employer accountable to increase the number of Black employees by 25%. This means C-Suite executives, board members, senior leaders and interns. At Children’s Minnesota, our goal is to hire 34% people of color across the board. Of the more than 800 people we recently hired, 43% are people of color. We’re making progress, but we need you to hold us accountable.
- Increase by 100% what you spend with Black-owned businesses. If you live in Minnesota, please use this resource to find them.
- Make new Black friends. It’s one thing to attend a Black Lives Matter march, have Black guests on a panel, or work with Black people. It’s another thing to have a friend with whom you can share ideas, thoughts, concerns, solutions and heartfelt love. When no Black people are in your friend circle, your decisions are made through a limited lens. Expand your equity lens.
Let’s celebrate Juneteenth this weekend. But let’s also be transformative, not performative.
Let Juneteenth inspire you to take action.
Happy Juneteenth!